Natural Skin Care System-Oily

Natural Skin Care System-Oily

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Glycolic Wash Cleanser
This refreshing wash contains glycolic acid to clear clogged pores and eliminate excessive cellular build up. Lavender is added to soothe aggravated acne prone skin. Helps control breakout and increase cell turnover. Wash face twice daily.

Citrus Toner
Citrus toner is mildly astringent, alcohol free and great for normal to oily skin. Natural lemon essential oil is antiseptic and helps regulate oily skin. Aloe vera is healing and moisturizing while camphor fights future breakouts. Use twice a daily after cleansing.

Clear & Bright Serum
Use this brightening serum at night. Helps fade spots and minimize pores. Natural skin brightening in this product penetrate to dermal levels making it more effective than hydroquinone. Glycolic and salicylic acid smoothe rough clogged skin for a naturally brighter complex.

Citrus Creme
This special natural cream is perfect for oily to normal skin types. Organic lemon essential oil acts as unastragent and antiseptic. Sage is anti inflammatory and watercress help balance oily skin. This daily cream is non-comedoegenic. Safe for sensitive skins.